Monday, August 10, 2009

Gait and Posture

Today we are going to visit some area gyms and fitness clubs to introduce them to our Gait and Posture Analysis program. The program is a great one, and something that has been very successful at the local YMCAs. We visit the gym one afternoon per month and any interested members can sign up for a 15 minute time-slot with us. In that time, we can either evaluate their posture with the Spinal Analysis Machine and help to identify any problem areas or causes for concern in terms of their exercise program OR we can do a video gait analysis where the member runs on a treadmill and then we watch the tape back with them in slow motion; we offer advice on better strength training, footwear and information on why their gait might be causing knee, hip and low back problems.

The program always goes really well, because we can help to educate the public and we help keep the members healthier and injury-free. That way, they spend more time at the gym which means they get more out of their membership, and it doesn't cost the gym itself anything! Of course, it helps us as well because if there IS a problem, the member can always come see us at the office to have it worked on.

We're hoping to introduce the program to some other local gyms and to add them to our calendar of monthly visits.

Wish us luck!

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